Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One of My Favourites by Stan Rice

Contrive a poem out of ears
Tell it
so that it's petals unchocolate
like a brain in a jar.
Wax walnut melting with thought.
Make it a poem almost
lewdly knowledge
ooze, syrup from the punched trunk.
Make it snake up to the molecule whorey
and put it's mouth
atomic against the mouth of it's core.
Pull on it's stem
to expose it's foetus. Make it
have children with sleek ginger jaws.
Make the dogs moan when it passes,
let it out of it's jar.
Make it lie with our corpse, our chaos,
make it huge, evil, enemy of Death.
Put it on paper. Read it. Make surgery
it's sigh, and of such sting.
The Scorpions call it Jehovah & Who.
Make it now before you crap out,
Contrive it, sperm it, stroke it.
Make it efficient, make it fit,
make it more poem that poem-
can survive.


Anonymous said...

That's good advice even for a blog :)

I like it.

GirlBlue said...

I feel as if I just went on a weird psychedelic trip...I like it :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you aka and GirlBlue :D

It IS weird..which is why i first liked it..many years ago when i read it, it just made my head spin and actually inspired me to write my own poetry.

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