Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yay!!! Exams are done...finally! It feels good to be at a loose end for once, nothing to do, I can sleep all I want now...finally treat myself...oh and yea clean my bathroom! lol! Well I must mention 1 very important lesson ..or I should say revelation throughout this semester exams, it's that if you're lucky to predict almost accurately...exams will be a breeze. For atleast 3 of my exams I was able to predict almost accurately (the last 3) and study only those things. It was almost odd.... But only time will tell how good my work was. a way I feel totally extremely sad that it's over... No seriously...during exams I went out to the mall alot...I saw Four Christmases...I wrote on my blog...discovered the fun of imikimis and got alot on msn...slept ok I'm exaggerating ..but it was a fun time for me.. and probably will be more fun than my holidays will be since I have myself a little xmas job..yaaay! (not)

Atleast tomorrow is my shopping I won't be getting anything for I won't be buying anything for myself... nop nop..just my dear ole sister is taking me shopping! :D How kool is that huh?

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