Thursday, January 24, 2013

Respect In a Relationship

Respect can be hard to quantify and measure. It means recognizing our own value and worth, and the value and worth of the other person. But what does that look like in relationships?

1. Think before you speak. Remember … you can’t take back your words no matter how much you regret them. So, don’t react in anger, and say mean and nasty things.

2. Acknowledge the other person’s contribution. Even when you have frustrations and some justified complaints remember to notice the positives as well. It’s likely that your partner does something right at times. Don’t write them off completely and see them as “all bad”.

3. Respect their personal boundaries. This applies to spending time, and doing things, with other people. Also, respecting their right to have their own views and opinions – without justifying their reasoning to you.

4. Being flexible and willing to compromise. Relationships are based on both give and take. It’s about the needs and preferences of both individuals.

5. Be considerate. Help the other person out; give each other compliments; and generally be thoughtful, kind and understanding.

6. Admit when you are wrong. If you’re secure, confident and have a healthy self-esteem you won’t be threatened by admitting you were wrong.

7. Never compromise the other person’s well being. For example, if your temper’s a problem seek professional help. Also, don’t play with emotions, or attack their character.

8. Be honest and reliable. Be upfront and honest in your relationships. Don’t lie, pretend, play games, or let the other person down. This undermines that basic, and essential, sense of trust.

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