Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One of My Favourites by Stan Rice

Contrive a poem out of ears
Tell it
so that it's petals unchocolate
like a brain in a jar.
Wax walnut melting with thought.
Make it a poem almost
lewdly knowledge
ooze, syrup from the punched trunk.
Make it snake up to the molecule whorey
and put it's mouth
atomic against the mouth of it's core.
Pull on it's stem
to expose it's foetus. Make it
have children with sleek ginger jaws.
Make the dogs moan when it passes,
let it out of it's jar.
Make it lie with our corpse, our chaos,
make it huge, evil, enemy of Death.
Put it on paper. Read it. Make surgery
it's sigh, and of such sting.
The Scorpions call it Jehovah & Who.
Make it now before you crap out,
Contrive it, sperm it, stroke it.
Make it efficient, make it fit,
make it more poem that poem-
can survive.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The hype is finally over..where do we stand now?

I was never one for the Christmas season..but I always loved the feeling you get at the beginning of a new year. These days Christmas is all about spending and decorating and who got what. It's depressing to think that God is lost in all that...if getting closer to God is any where's not close to being as important as shopping.

But back to that wonderful feeling of a new year.. It amazes me home quickly the year has ended..but boy am I happy 2008 is over. Sadly, 2008 was one of the worst years for Trinidad and Tobago. The country was centered around doom..a feeling of destruction... and I mean destruction of the economy, destruction of homes and families, destruction of infrastructure , our morals and values..but most of all destruction of our hopes of a bright and happy future for our country.

What I want to know is if all hope is lost for our country...what are we to do next?

I believe hope is what keeps us going, so that we have something to look forward to. Therefore, I want to wish everyone a wonderful year ahead , because I believe that the one thing we should not do is lose hope. I hope that in this year, 2009, we set goals that are important and which can benefit the people around us. Lets start with our families because that's where our problems start. Lets stop breeding criminals and wasteful beings and open our minds to causes for the benefit of humanity.

Lets shake off 2008, put on the brightest smile we can offer, take a deep breath and go out there to do our best..for ourselves and for whomever we can. There's still some hope left for Trinidad and Tobago, but it's up to us to take this country forward. When life throws us lemons...what should we do? Throw it back with all your might and say "I'm not taking that anymore!" I'm saying to fight for your rights dear people, fight for what you believe in and fight to make this nation a better place in 2009. May you all have the most wonderful, sweetest, year ever!

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